All team members of SquashGeek have been Squash players, Squash coaches, Squash Head Coach, Squash Managers, and Squash Club Owners to bring you the best in your Squash Consulting we are expert in Squash as well as Marketing and developing Squash Clubs.
Our expertise is not limited to our Squash Knowledge, SquashGeek also offers advice and guidance as a whole for your entire squash club and for your squash program. We know there’s a lot more that goes into a successful program than a few courts and some squash players. SquashGeek offers the best consulting services for squash facilities of all sorts to create the right program and squash community for you..
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From lead generation to Sport awareness Squashgeek handles all your online marketing to make sure you are the center of the sport in your town and the area around. We create full marketing strategy and implement short terms and long term plan for the success of your Squash Club.
We oversee and review your squash presence online so you can create the best club. Being attractive to potential players and being able to attract new players to the game is only one aspect of creating a successful squash program. We will help mentor and develop your squash facility online.
Either you are growing your club or your a new to creating a Squash programs we will provide coaching pros, head coaches, squash ref and the right squash pro for your squash facility.
Building, growing and develloping Squash Program that’s what we do. We will help you find the right system, tools and services to create your squash program and while you are growing we will help you optimize your club to scale your squash program.
It has never been easier to create an amazing squash club and growing your bottom line.
World Squash Reference for Squash players, Squash Coaches and Squash Club Owners to help the game grow.
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